

Page history last edited by D Morin 16 years, 2 months ago



Aren is a city on the south-east coast of the subcontinent Seven Cities.

Aren: Holy City and site of Imperial Headquarters

DG, Glossary


"Cone-shaped hills kept pace with them to the east, and would do so to within a thousand paces of Aren's north wall. The hills were not natural: they were mass graves, scores of them, from the misguided slaughter of the city's residents by the T'lan Imass in Kellanved's time. The hill nearest Aren was among the largest, and was home to the city's ruling families and the Holy Protector and Falah'dan."

DG, UK mmpb, p.831


"There's a column in Aren...or so I've heard...that's as high as twenty men, and carved in a spiral from top to bottom..."

DG, UK MMPB, p.275


"Aren’s walls are high, well impregnated these days with Otataral, I (Duiker) believe – proof against any sorcery."

DG, UK Trade, p.641


"Within the city, facing the north gates, was a broad concourse, generally used as a caravan staging area."

DG, UK mmpb, p.874


"...an unobtrusive niche at the end of the final twist of No Help Alley..in the heart of Dregs, that Malazan expatriate hovel close to the riverfront."

- Kalam

DG, UK mmpb, p.518


"The poor stay poor in Aren."

DG, UK mmpb, p.570


"'Aren's not its old self, alas. Filled with monks and priests and soldiers, the gaols crowded with innocents while Sha'ik fanatics - only the most cunning left alive, of course - spread murder and mayhem.'"

DG, UK mmpb, p.616


Squall Inn


"Squall Inn claimed to have seen better days...The floor of the main room sagged like an enormous bowl, tilting every wall inward until angled wooden posts were needed to keep them upright. Rotting food and dead rats had with inert patience migrated to the floor's centre, creating a mouldering, redolent heap like an offering to some disolute god.

Chairs and tables stood on creatively sawed legs in a ring around the pit, only one still occupied by a denizen not yet drunk into senselessness. A back no less disreputable provided the more privileged customers some privacy, and it was there that Kalam deposited his group to eat while a washtub was being prepared in the tangled garden."

DG, Uk mmpb, p.570-1


Aren Way


"The only structure less than a century old was the Malazan arched gate that marked the beginning of the Aren Way, a broad, raised military road that had been constructed at Dassem Ultor's command early in the conquest.

Deep ditches flanked the Aren Way, and beyond them were high, flat-topped earthen banks on which grew for the entire ten-mile stretch and in two precise rows, tall cedars that had been transplated from Geleen on the Clatar Sea.

DG, UK mmpb, p.830




"Aren Way accomodated them in their efforts, for the first third, locally known as Ramp, was a gentle downward slope towards the plain on which the city sat."

DG, UK mmpb, p.831


Woe to the fallen

in the alleys of Aren . . .



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