

Page history last edited by Eloth 13 years, 10 months ago

Emperor and ruler of the First Human Empire 


Di'vers form - seven Deragoth 


Onrack to Trull Sengar : ‘Dessimbelackis,’ Onrack whispered. ‘The founder of the human First Empire. Long vanished by the time of the unleashing of the Beast Ritual. It was believed he had . . . veered.’ ‘D’ivers?’ ‘Aye.’ ‘And beasts numbered?’ ‘Seven.’ -  (HoC, Tpb, p.320)


The ghosts in Raraku : '..Dessimbelackis throws endless legions at us, and no matter how many we slaughter, the First Emperor finds more.’

‘Not true, Kullsan. Five of the Seven Protectors are no more. Does that mean nothing? And the sixth will not recover, now that we have banished the black beast itself.’

‘I wonder, did we indeed drive it from this realm?’

‘If the Nameless Ones speak true, then yes—’  - (HoC Tpb, p589)


Oric to L'oric :‘The Hounds of Darkness. The seven beasts that Dessimbelackis made pact with – and oh, weren’t the Nameless Ones shaken by that unholy alliance? The seven beasts, L’oric, that gave the name to Seven Cities, although no memory survives of that particular truth. The Seven Holy Cities of our time are not the original ones, of course. Only the number has survived.’  - (HoC UKTpb, p.607)


'Treach was a First Hero', Heboric replied. 'A Soletaken who escaped the slaughter. Like Ryllandaras and Rikkter, Tholen and Denesmet. Don't you see? These ghost soldiers - they did not worship Treach!. no, their god of war belonged to the Seven, who would one day become the Holies.  A single visage of Dessimbelackis - that and nothing more!'  - (BH UK Tpb. p.350)


Ganath : “Dessimbelackis. One soul made seven — he believed that would make him immortal. An ascendant eager to become a god —”   - (BH UKTpb, p.402)


Cotillion – what was the mess behind the origin of the Deragoth?  Wild beasts from the dusty eons of past ages, seven left in all the world, and the First Emperor – who was anything but – chooses them as the repositories of his divided soul.  (TtH)

"Dessimbelackis,"  said Curdle.  "He held Chaos in his hands.  He told us its secret – what he had made of it.  He was desperate.  His people – humans – were making a mess of things.  They stood as if separate from all the animals of the world.  They imagined they were the rulers of nature.  And cruel their tyranny, so cruel.  Slaughtering the animals, making the lands barren deserts, the skies empty but for vultures."

"Soletaken,"  said Olar Ethil.  "D'ivers.  He created a ritual out of chaos – to bind humans to the beasts, to force upon them their animal natures.  He sought to teach them a lesson.  About themselves."

"Yes, Elder.  Yes to all of that.  He brought the ritual to his people – oh, it was an old ritual, much older than Dessimbelackis, much older than this world.  He forced it upon his subjects." - (DoD, mmpb, p.1084) 


"'You'd begun the slaughter,' said Curdle. 'He'd fled even before then, taking his D'ivers form –'  'The Deragoth.'

'Yes.'"- Olar Ethil -  (DoD, mmpb, p. 1085)



'It seemed the night would never end during the war

with the Sar Trell. Before the appearance of Our Great

Emperor, Dessimbelackis, our legions were thrown

back on the field of battle, again and again. Our sons

and daughters wept blood on the green ground, and

the wagon-drums of the enemy came forth in thunder.

But no stains could hold upon our faith, and it shone

ever fierce, ever defiant. We drew our ranks tall,

overlapped shields polished and bright as the red sun,

and the one among us who was needed, who was

destined to grasp the splashed grip of the First Empire’s

truthful sword, gave his voice and his strength to lead

us in answer to the well-throated rumble of the Sar Trell

warcries, the stone-tremble of their wagon-drums.

Victory was destined, in the forge-lit eyes of He of

the Seven Holy cities, the fever-charge of his will,

and on that day, the Nineteenth in the Month of

Leth-ara in the Year of Arenbal, the Sar Trell army

was broken on the plain south of Yath-Ghatan, and

with their bones was laid the foundation, and with

their skulls the cobbles of Empire’s road . . .'

The Dessilan



(MT Tpb, p531)


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