

Page history last edited by Grebote 16 years, 4 months ago




Name: Doan

Pseudonyms: None

Age: Unknown

Race: Hound of Shadow

Appearance: Dark grey, one blue eye, one yellow eye

Further info: The son of Rood and Pallick. Slain by Anomander Rake with Dragnipur.

"Another Hound had joined the company. This one, a male, was dark gray, one of its eyes blue, the other yellow. Though it didn't come close, Quick Ben judged it was the largest of those around him, and its movement hinted at deadly speed. He knew it as Doan, firstborn to the pack's leader, Rood, and its first mate, Pallick."

GotM, US HC, p.279


"The hunt is over.' The god's head tilted to observe the two dead creatures. 'Over for all time, for Doan and Ganrod.'

GotM, US HC, p.332


"The Hounds had thundered against the sides of the wagon. The Hounds had plunged into the maw of darkness at the very centre.

There had been a stranger [Ganoes Paran], an unchained stranger. Taunting the Hounds..." -thoughts of Apsal'ara

TtH, US TPB, p.22


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