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on January 13, 2011 at 4:26:37 pm


Welcome to the Encyclopedia Malazica


Please be aware that there will be spoilers here up to and including latest book publications.  Caution is recommended when viewing this wiki

What is the Encyclopedia Malazica? 


Until Steven Erikson himself provides us fans with all the information on the Malazan World, it is us fans, on whose shoulders rests the task of putting together the great puzzles, bringing light into the delicious mysteries and helping fellow fans to understand the intricacies of this great work. The Encyclopedia Malazica is a project that attempts to do just that - pool together our wits and observations and make the results of our many discussions (on the Malazan Empire Forums and otherwise) available to those, who do not have the patience to dig through hundreds of pages of obscure threads. A reference as you're reading or discussing the Malazan Book of the Fallen, to look up subjects that you forgot since your last read, or had you confused in the first place. At least that's the idea ... work has only just begun ;-).


Currently to edit the wiki you need to sign up for a pbwiki account here, and then request access to the wiki.  The way to do this is to either send a PM message on the malazan empire forums to Imperial Historian or Hetan, email imperialhistorian@(nospam)gmail.com, or webmaster@malazanempire.com or use the pbwiki function request access, and send the email of the pbwiki account you are using.  If you see any problems which you wish to report, but don't want to sign up and get access, the place to go is here  on the malazan empire forums 


Anyone who wishes to learn more about contributing to the wiki, or find specific areas to work on should go here.  If you click on a page and are asked to sign up to access this page, this is because the page does not yet exist, and so you need editing privileges to create it.  Please feel free to sign up and create such a page.


How does this Wiki thing work? 


The idea behind this structure is to create a system of interlinked pages, on which a great number of people can collaborate. Where there are subjects not covered by the current set of pages, you create one. Where pages are empty, you write your own content for them. Where there are errors in existing articles, you fix them (just like that in the case of typos) via 'Edit this page' or suggest and discuss improvements in 'Discuss'. Take a look at Wikipedia to see the full effect of this setup.

Old stuff left for now



As for how to work with the tools the wiki provides, here are a couple of important links:



Play around a little on this page to get a feeling for how this works.


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