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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 2 months ago



Race: Gadrobi

Also known as:



Famous Members:

Members we have met:

Further info: One of the peoples of Darujhistan.


A people of the continent of Genabackis who were essential to the construction and history of the city of Darujhistan. A pastoral people.


Gadrobi: indigenous cultural group in central Genabackis


GotM, Glossary

"...passed through the dwindling Gadrobi Herder camps."


GotM, US Hc, p.143

"At intersections, Gadrobi herders stood at tethering poles surrounded by goats and sheep, while others pushed wooden carts burdened with cheeses and clay jugs filled with fermented milk."


GotM, US HC, p.264




The Collected Works of


Gadrobi Epitaph


I see a man

crouched in a fire

who leaves me cold

and wondering what

he is doing here so boldly

crouched in my pyre . . .


Gadrobi Epitaph


GotM, UK Trade, p.161



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