
Hentos Ilm

Page history last edited by Eloth 14 years, 1 month ago

Hentos Ilm


Name: Hentos Ilm



Race: T'lan Imass


Warren: Tellann

Further Info:...  One of a group of six T'lan Imass who are hunting the Unbound - The Seven of the Dead Fires. a T'lan Imass Bonecaster, of the Logros Clan -  (DG, UK MMPB, p.377)


Physicial Description


"(...) smaller than the others (T'lan Imass) and last to appear. It was bedecked in the oily, ragged feathers of colourful birds, and its long hair was iron grey streaked with red. Shell, antler and bone jewellery hung from its rotting hide shirt, but it appeared to carry no weapons." - (DG, UK MMPB, p.375)

Hentos Ilm, a T'lan Imass Bonecaster - (DG, Dramatis Personae)




‘We did not anticipate this warren would be flooded,’ the female said.

‘It’s said you can cross oceans,’ the mage muttered, frowning. Felisin could see he was having trouble following the T’lan Imass’s statements. So was she.

‘We can cross bodies of water,’ the female acknowledged. ‘But we can only find our shapes on land.’

‘So, like us, you came to this ship to get your feet dry—’

‘And complete our task. We pursue renegade kin.’ (DG UK TPB, p.579)


 "'You are a Bonecaster.'

The female inclined her head. 'Hentos Ilm, of Logros T'lann Imass.'" - (DG, UK mmpb, p.377)


"Olar Ethil, Kilava Onas, Monok Ochem, Hentos Ilm, Tem Benasto, Ulpan Nodost, Tenag Ilbaie, Ay Estos, Absin Tholai…the bonecasters of the Logros T’lan Imass. ... Hentos Ilm and Monok Ochem have both in their turn partaken of the hunt." - (HoC, UK TPB, p577-578)


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