
Malazan Empire

Page history last edited by Eloth 13 years, 9 months ago

The Malazan Empire (post 1154 BS)


An empire founded by Kellanved and Dancer on the Island of Malaz.  It  expanded to several other continents, where its thirst for new conquests is undiminished.

Laseen usurped command of the Empire and now rules with absolute authority.


Malazan Empire An empire originating on Malaz Island off the coast of the Quon Tali continent. The original founder was the Emperor Kellanved and his cohort Dancer, both of whom were assassinated by Laseen, the present Empress. The Empire spans Quon Tali, the subcontinent of Falar, Seven Cities, and the coasts of north Genabackis. Additional forays include the continents of Stratem and Korel. - GotM Glossary


Fist: a military governor of the Malazan Empire

High Fist: a commander of armies within the Malazan Empire  - NoK, UK mmpb, Glossary


First Sword of the Empire: Malazan and T'lan Imass, a title denoting an Imperial champion - (GotM, Glossary)


"...a taloned hand holding a crystal globe: the Malazan Imperial sigil." - (GotM, UK Trade p.31, UK mmpb p.41)


"...one of the those fancy officer schools at Unta, Li Heng, or Tali." - (NoK, UK mmpb, p.68)




Currencies of the Malazan Empire include:

  • Gold Imperial Sceptres
  • Gold Jakatas
  • Silver Jakatas
  • Copper Crescents



'He (Duiker) fished out two local crescents - the equivalent of a base 'clipping' of the Imperial silver jakata' - in Hissar - (DG, UK MMPB, p.68)


"'If you please.'  the trader ventured, 'the exchange rate in Darujhistan is two and one-third jakatas to one council. Broker's fees comprise at least one jakata. Thus, strictly speaking, one and a third.'" - Munug - (MoI, UK mmpb, p.76)



Malazan Military: 


See Main Article: Malazan Military


The Malazan Imperial Military is responsible for defending the Empire's borders from invaders, governing its provincess and conquering new territories. 


The Imperial Military is divided into:

  • The Army, the Empire's offensive land forces
  • The Navy, the Empire's offensive and defensive naval forces
  • Garrisons, which govern the Empire's territories and maintain an Imperial presence


There are also a large number of minor organizations which remain seperate from the Imperial forces but remain under the command of the Empire. For example, cities such as Hissar have their own Guard forces. Additionally, there are many factions or specialized units within the larger military organizations which specialize in a particular role or have a notable history.


With the expansion of the Malazan Empire, the Imperial Military organizations have become diverse, with recruits accepted into the ranks from across Quon Tali, Seven Cities, northern Genebackis and more.




See also: Military Ranks


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