Name : Mogora
Race : Dal Honese
Appearance : He found himself facing a wiry, black-haired woman. Though she was an inch shorter than him, her frame and features bore a startling resemblance to his own."
Further Info : D'ivers Spiders, a witch and High Priestess of Ardata, Queen of Spiders
"Gasping, the High Priest staggered back, watching as the D'ivers sembled into human form. He found himself facing a wiry, black-haired woman. Though she was an inch shorter than him, her frame and features bore a startling resemblance to his own." - (DG, UK mmpb, p.926)
"'I escaped Dal Hon to be rid of idiots.'" - (DG, UK mmpb, p.927)
Priestess of Ardata - Queen of Spiders
“And now,” Mogora said, “time for the moon.”
The blackness overhead vanished in a sudden bloom of silver, incandescent light. Squealing, Iskaral Pust fell onto his back, so alarming was the transformation, and he found himself staring straight up at a massive, full moon, hanging so low it seemed within reach. If he but dared. Which he did not. “You’ve brought the moon down! Are you mad? It’s going to crash on us!”
“Oh, stop it. It only seems that way -- well, maybe I nudged it a bit -- but I told you this was a serious ritual, didn’t I?”
“What have you done with the moon?” - (BH)
Cotillion to Losatara Yil - “I am not sure. Some untoward sorcery is at work, somewhere in the desert. The moon’s light has been … stolen. I admit I have never seen anything like it before.” (BH)
The moon was back where it belonged, after all. Not that she’d actually moved it. That would have been very hard indeed, and would have drawn far too much attention besides. But she’d drawn away its power, somewhat, briefly, enough to affect the more thorough healing the Trell had required. Observation by Mogora - (BH)
Cotillion was gazing steadily at her, then he said, “You’re one of Ardata’s, aren’t you?”
She veered into a mass of spiders. - (BH)
“Ardata’s hand in this, I see. Healed by the Queen of Spiders -- you foster dangerous alliances, Guardian.” -(Spite) - (BH)
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