People: Napan
Also known as:
Location: Nap Isles
Appearance: Blue-skinned, Flashwit has "emerald green" eyes (HoC, UK mmpb, p.848)
Famous Members: Laseen, Cartharon Crust, Urko Crust
Members we have met: Korbolo Dom, Flashwit, Detoran
Further info:
"The furniture - what little there was - was old, Napan in style and therefore artless."
- Ganoes Paran describes Adjunct Lorn's chambers
GotM, UK mmpb p.43
"She stared up into hazel eyes in a man's face, angular, dark with bluish tones, the tight curls of his hair gleaming in the dawning light. Napan,
Kiska realized."
NoK, UK mmpb, p.58
" Napan, short and thick-set like a stump, his bluish-toned skin faded to a silty green..."
NoK, UK mmpb, p.111
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