
Onos T'oolan

Page history last edited by Eloth 13 years, 11 months ago

Onos T'oolan


Name: Onos T'oolan

Pseudonyms: Tool

Age: 300 000+ years

Race: T'lan Imass

Appearance: See below

Warren: Tellann

Further Info:  First Sword of the T'lan Imass. Once of the Tarad clan, now clanless. Brother to Kilava.


Physical Description


Onos T'oolan, a clanless warrior - (GotM, Dramatis Personae)


Tool, the Shorn, once First Sword - (MoI, Dramatis Personae)
"Despite the sorcery, three hundred thousand years had taken their toll. The skin that stretched across the squat man’s robust bones was a shiny nut brown in colour, the texture of leather. Whatever flesh it had once covered had contracted to thin strips the consistency of oak roots – such muscles showed through torn patches here and there. The creature’s face, what Toc could see of it, bore a heavy chinless jawbone, high cheeks and a pronounced brow ridge. The eye sockets were dark holes." - (GotM, UK TPB, p.202)


"'Onos T’oolan, once of the Tarad Clan, of the Logros T’lan. I was birthed in the autumn of the Bleak Year, the ninth son to the Clan whetted as warrior in the Sixth Jaghut War—'" - (GotM, UK TPB, p.202-3)
"Toc searched his memory for the name of this undead warrior. 'Onos T'oolan,' he said, pleased with himself. 'Of the Tarad Clan-'
'I am now named Tool. Clanless. Free.'" - (MoI, US TPB, p.43)


"Squat and heavy boned. Sinews had dried nut-brown, and the furst and skins partially clothing it had rotted to mere strips. A bone helm sat on the corpse's head, fashioned from the frontal cap of a horned beast. One horn had snapped off some time in the distant past. A dust-sheathed two-handed sword lay nearby." - (MoI, US TPB, p.42)


"'He is a champion of sorts, isn't he? Among the T'lan Imass, Tool is something unique. You have no idea of the power - the strength - he possesses.'" - (MoI, ?, p.?)


First Sword of the T'lan Imass

The Adjunct Lorn had believed that it was the murder of the Emperor that had broken the human empire’s alliance with Logros T’lan Imass. She had been wrong. The spilled blood you should have heeded was Dassem Ultor’s, not Kellanved’s. And for all that neither man truly died, but only one bore the deadly kiss of Hood in all the days that followed. Only one stood before Hood himself, and learned of the terrible thing Logros had done to him.

They said Hood was his patron god. They said he had avowed service to the Lord of Death. They said that Hood then betrayed him. They understood nothing. Dassem and his daughter, they were Hood’s knives, striking at us. What is it, to be the weapon of a god?
Where are you now, Logros? Do you feel me, so fiercely reborn? My heir – your chosen child – has rejected the role. His footfalls now mark the passing of tragedy. You have made him the God of Tears, and now that Hood is gone he must hunt down the next one who made him what he was. Do you tremble, Logros? Dassem is coming for you. He is coming for you. (TCG)



His Tellann Warren


"'A veritable menagerie,' Toc muttered. 'Then how is it that every time I scan the horizons, I see nothing? Nothing. No beasts, no birds, even.'

'The plain is vast,' Tool replied. 'Also, there are the effects of the Tellann warren which surrounds me - though that is much weakened at the moment. Someone has drawn on my life-force, almost to exhaustion. Ask me no questions regarding this. My Tellann powers none the less discourage mortal beasts. Creatures are given to avoidance when able. We are, however, being trailed by a pack of ay'tog - yellow-haired wolves. But they yet remain shy. Curiosity may overcome that, eventually.'" - (MoI, UK mmpb, p. 311)



His Prowess in Melee


"Movement exploded behind him, followed by the sound of a body skidding across the room, striking the wall with a sickly thud. Toc spun around to see Tool, sword upraised, facing the two remaining SegulehSenu lay crumpled ten paces away, either unconscious or dead. His two swords were halfway out of their sheaths.

... Lady Envy regarded the other Seguleh with eyes of ice. 'Given that my commands have proven insufficient, I now leave future encounters in the T'lan Imass's obviously capable hands.' She swung to Tool. 'Is he dead?'

'No. I used the flat of my blade, Lady, having no desire to slay one of your servants.'

'Considerate of you, given the circumstances.'

Toc closed one shaky hand on the jug's handle. 'Shall I pour one for you as well, Lady Envy?'" - (MoI, US TPB, p.48)



Working For the Malazan Empire


[Tool]:"'Adjunct Lorn died in Darujhistan two months ago. ...'

... [Toc the Younger]: 'Did you two free the Jaghut Tyrant?'

'Briefly. Imperial efforts to conquer Darujhistan failed.'" - (MoI, US TPB, p.43)



Against the Pannion Domin


"'I follow an ancient trail, Lady Envy. Morn was but one stop on that trail. It now leads northward." - (MoI, US TPB, p.49)



General Notes


[Pran Chole]: 'Who is your brother?'

[Kilava]: 'Onos T'oolan, the First Sword.' - (MoI, TPB, p.24)



Lay of Onos T'oolan


Have you seen the one

who stands apart

cursed in a ritual

sealing his kind

beyond death the host

amassed and whirling

like a plague of pollen –

he stands apart

the First among all

ever veiled in time

yet outcast and alone

a T’lan Imass wandering

like a seed unfallen

Lay of Onos T’oolan

Toc the Younger - (GotM, UK TPB, p.197)



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