
Pearl (Demon)

Page history last edited by Eloth 14 years, 6 months ago

Pearl (Demon)


   Name:  Pearl

   Pseudonyms:  None

   Age:  Unknown

   Race:  Korvalah demon

   Appearance:  Huge, hulking, insubstantial

   Warren:  Aral Gamelon

   Further Info:  Killed by Anomander Rake with Dragnipur.



"The demon was huge, hulking. Its once royal blood availed it no privelege here in Dragnipur. Ditch saw that the creature was carrying the fallen, the failed, gathering to itself a score or more bodies and the chains attached to them. Muscles strained, bunched and twisted as the demon pulled itself forward." - TtH, US TPB, p.21


"'Do not pity me, please.'" -Pearl -TtH, US TPB, p.21


'The demon Pearl stood wearing bodies from which a forest of iron roots swept down in loops and coils.  It could carry no more, and so it stood, softly weeping, its legs like two failing trunks that shook and trembled.'  (TtH)


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