
Pran Chole

Page history last edited by Grebote 14 years, 5 months ago

Pran Chole


Name: Pran Chole

Pseudonyms: Unknown

Age: 300 000+

Race: T'lan Imass Soletaken

Appearance: Brown eyes, squat

Warren: Tellann

Further Info: Bonecaster of Cannig Tol's clan of the Kron T'lan Imass.


Pran Chole, a Bonecaster (shaman) of the Kron T'lan Imass - GotM, Dramatis Personae


"Pran Chole, Bonecaster among Cannig Tol's clan among the Kron Imass..." - (MoI, UK mmpb, p.23)


Physical Appearance


"He saw before him a squat figure, covered in the tanned hides of deer or some such similar animal. Antlers stretched out from a flat skull-cap on the man's head, grey and covered in fuzzy skin. ...

Pran's face was wide, the bones pronounced beneath smooth, gold skin. His eyes were barely visible between tight lids, but what Kruppe saw of them was a startling amber in colour. Pran reached out long, supple hands over the fire." - (GotM,MMPB, p.353)


"Pran Chole's tawny eyes remained fixed on the frozen tableau." - (MoI, UK mmpb, p.24)


"Pran Chole glanced down at his shadow, studied the antlered silhouette, the figure hinted within furred cape, ragged hides and headdress. The sun's angle made him seem tall - almost as tall as a Jaghut. - (MoI, UK mmpb, p.25-6)


"Figures approached the slope before Silverfox. Weaponless, robed in furs from ancient, long-extinct beasts. Kruppe's eyes focused on one in particular, a broad-shouldered Bonecaster, wearing an antlered skullcap and the stained fur of an arctic fox." - (MoI, UK mmpb, p.795)


Soletaken Form


"An arctic fox bounded into view, slowed upon seeing her [Kilava], then sembled back into its Imass form. She saw before her a young man wearing the skin of his totem animal across his shoulders, and a battered antler headdress." - (MoI, UK mmpb p.32)

Pogrom of the Rotted Flower and the Origins of the Pannion Domin


[Cannig Tol]: "'Are we close, Bonecaster?' ...

'Tomorrow,' Pran Chole said. 'They are weakening. A night of travel will weaken them yet more.'


With darkness, Pran Chole would spiritwalk. Into the whispering earth, seeking those of his own kind. While their quarry was weakening, Cannig Tol's clan was yet weaker. Less than a dozen adults remained. When pursuing Jaghut, the distinction of hunter and hunted had little meaning." - (MoI, US TPB, p.19)


"She [Pannion's mother] rose as they approached. Pran Chole tested the air, frowned. The Jaghut had not unveiled her warren. Even more disconcerting, where were her children? ...

The mother smiled, lips peeling back to reveal her tusks. 'Gone.'


'Beyond your reach, Bonecaster.'

Pran Chole's frown deepened. 'These are our lands. There is no place here that is beyond our reach. Have you slain them with your own hands, then?' ...

'I had always believed you were united in your hatred for our kind. I had always believed that concepts such as compassion and mercy were alien to your natures.' ...

'An Imass has been here,' he said. 'A woman. The Bonecaster-' the one I could not find on my spiritwalk. The one who chose not to be found [Kilava]. 'What has she done?'

'She has explored this land,' the Jaghut replied. 'She has found a gate [Morn] far to the south. It is Omtose Phellack.'

'I am glad,' Pran Chole said, 'I am not a mother.' And you, woman, should be glad I am not cruel. He gestured. Heavy spears flashed past the Bonecaster. Six long, fluted, heads of flint punched through the skin covering the Jaghut's chest. She staggered, then folded to the ground in a clatter of shafts.

Thus ended the thirty-third Jaghut War." - (MoI TBP p.21-2)


"The faintest release of her [Kilava's] power sent the two Jaghut children upward, into the gate's maw [the rent at Morn]. Then the two small figures vanished within. ...

The Tellann warren opened behind her. ...

The woman smiled. 'I greet you, Bonecaster. Yes, I have sent them through. They are beyond the reach of your vengeance, and this pleases me.' ...

'You should have let me find you last night,' Pran Chole said. 'I would then have been able to convince you that a swift death was the greater mercy for those children than what you have done here, Kilava.'

...'It was this - this wounding - that destroyed the city, Kilava. The warren beyond - do you not understand? It is not Omtose Phellack! Tell me this - how are such wounds sealed? You know the answer, Bonecaster!'

...'If a soul sealed that wound, then it should have been freed . . . when the children arrived -'

'Freed,' Pran Chole hissed, 'in exchange!'

...'Then where is it? Why has it not appeared?'

Pran Chole turned to study the central mound on the plain. 'Oh,' he whispered, 'but it has.' ...

'This city then. Who built it.'

'K'Chain Che'Malle.'

'I know the name, but little else of them.'

Pran Chole nodded. 'We will, I expect, learn.' - (MoI TBP p.22-4)



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