

Page history last edited by Leannonn 12 years, 7 months ago



A Quon dromon it was the only ship that was sanctioned to trade with Drift Avalii.   It was captured by the Tiste Edur.

Physical Description


"'A large ship sat motionless...It had twin banks of oars, hanging down listlessly. A single rudder was visible. There were three masts, the main and fore both rigged with tattered square sails, the mizzen mast with the shredded remnants of a lateen...'That's a Quon dromon. Pre-Imperial.' - (DG, UK MMPB, p.329)


"The ship had been burned, scorched in fire from one end to the other, making it entirely black, and not a single butterfly had alighted on it. The sweeps of oars - many snapped - jutted in disarray from the craft's flanks; those with blades were dipped into the current and dead insects adhered to them in lumps." - (DG, UK mmpb, p.662-3)


"Kulp strode towards the cabin hatch...The hatch descended two steps, then opened out into a galley. A large wooden table commanded the centre. Opposite them was a second hatch, leading to a narrow walkway with berths on either side. At the far end was the door to the captain's cabin. No-one occupied the berths, but there was gear aplenty..." - (DG, UK mmpb, p.334)




"'...high sterncastle railing...Coiled ropes and bundles of supplies wrapped in sealskin lay scattered about, along with discarded body armour, swords and belts. A thick, pale, greasy dust clung to everything...Silanda was the only craft sanctioned to trade with the Tiste Andii. She was on her way to the island (Drift Avalii) when the Emperor's forces overran Quon. She never returned.'" - (DG, UK MMPB, p.331)


The Silanda was captured by the Tiste Edur after a furious sea battle.  The ship was then taken back to Letheras as the possession of Tomad Sengar. 

After his youngest son Rhulad became Emperor and the shorning of his middle son Trull, Tomad secretly sent his elder son Binadas on a search into the Nascent to try and retrieve Trull, however unfortunately the Silanda ran into Karsa Orlong.



Silanda's Crew


'There were dozens of bundles. Each contained a head, cleanly severed. Most were Tiste Andii, but some were human...The oars were manned by headless corpses, three to a bench. Other sealskin bundles crowded every available space. Another headless figure sat behind a skin drum, both hands gripping strange, gourdlike batons. The figure was massively muscled. There was no evidence of any decay on any of the bodies. White bone and red flesh glistened at the necks...' - (DG, UK MMPB, p.332-3)


'Kurald Emurlahn, the sorcery has locked their (the decapitated crew) souls to their flesh' - Legana Breed - (DG, UK MMPB, p.379)




Silanda and the Tiste Edur


'....except for those two, in the lead, a dromon warship, and on its seaward flank, a black-hulled craft, its oars flashing to either side. 


Hanradi Khalag had stepped forward upon seeing that odd black ship, but from where Samar sat curled up she could not see his expression, only the back of his head -- the suddenly taut posture of his tall form......

Something had struck Tomad Sengar an almost physical blow -- not the ritual sorcery that had challenged their own, but some news that arrived a short time later,..

And, there in the face of Tomad Sengar, the admiral of this massive floating army, the haunting that could only come with news of a very personal tragedy.  A loss, a terrible loss.


“Word has come that among the Malazan fleet was a craft that had been captured, some time back and an ocean away, by the Edur.  And that ship was gifted to one of  Tomad’s sons to command -- a journey into the Nascent, a mission the nature of which Emperor Rhulad would not be apprised.”

 “Tomad now believes that son is dead.” - Twilight to Taralack Veed - (RG) 



 “Food does not spoil in that hold,”  Nok said.  “That much my mages have determined.  Furthermore, there are no rats or other vermin.” - (BH)




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