
Spinnock Durav

Page history last edited by Grebote 16 years, 2 months ago

Spinnock Durav


Name: Spinnock Durav

Pseudonyms: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Race: Tiste Andii

Appearance: See below

Further info: A warrior under Anomander Rake.


"Spinnock was large for a Tiste Andii, wide-shouldered and strangely bearish. There was a faint reddish tinge to his long, unbound hair. His eyes were set wide apart on a broad, somewhat flat face, the cheekbones prominent and flaring. The slash that was his mouth was fixed in a grin, an expression that rarely wavered."

TtH, US TPB, p.52


"Spinnock knew as much, for the man seated opposite him carried a sorrow heavier than any shadow, and far darker; and in this he was perhaps more Tiste Andii than human, but for one thing, and it was this one thing that made it easy for Spinnock Durav to call the man friend. Seerdomin, for all his grief, was somehow holding despair back, defying the siege that had long ago defeated the Tiste Andii. A human trait, to be sure. More than a trait, a quality profound in its resilience, a virtue that, although Spinnock could not find it within himself -  nor, it was true, among any fellow Tiste Andii - he could draw a kind of sustenance from none the less. At times, he felt like a parasite, so vital had this vicarious feeding become, and he sometimes feared that it was the only thing keeping him alive."

TtH, US TPB, p.54


"'See me, Seerdomin, I am too capricious. It is my eternal curse. I was never one for command, not even a squad. I got lost in Mott Wood, five days stumbling through briar and bush.' Spinnock laughed, waved one hand. 'A hopeless cause long ago, friend.'

...'A lost cause, you claim to be.' Seerdomin grimaced. 'Yet a master campaigner in Kef Tanar.'

'With soldiers of carved wood, I am most formidable. Living ones are another matter entirely.'"

TtH, US TPB, p.56


"'Spinnock, old friend, it is good that you have returned.'

'Thank you, Lord. I, too, an pleased to see an end to my wandering.'

'Wandering? Yes, I imagine you might have seen it that way.'

'You sent me to a continent, Lord. Discovering the myriad truths upon it necessitated . . . fair wandering.'

'I have thought long on the details of your tale, Spinnock Durav.' ... 'Yielding a single question. Must I journey there?'

Spinnock frowned. 'Assail? Lord, the situation there . . .' ... 'Lord, on the last day, a league from the sea . . .' ... 'I lost count of those I killed to reach that desolate strand. Lord, by the time I waded into the deep, enough to vanish beneath the waves, the very bay was crimson. That I lived at all in the face of that is--'

'Unsurprising,' Anomander Rake cut in with a faint smile, 'as far as your Lord is concerned.' ... 'Ah, but I have sorely abused your skills, friend.' -Anomander Rake and Spinnock Durav

TtH, US TPB, p.64


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