Sweetest Sufferance

Sweetest Sufferance


  Name: Sweetest Sufferance

  Pseudonyms: Sweetest, Sweetie


  Race: Human

  Appearance: Short, plump, brown eyes

  Further Info: A shareholder in the Trygalle Trade Guild



"the short, plump woman waddling, but determined none the less as both her small hands reached out for the taproom's door."



"Sweetest Sufferance, who had been so named by a mother either resigned to the rigours of motherhood or, conversely, poisoned by irony, blinked rapidly as she was wont to do when returning to reality." (TtH)


"Her soft brown eyes..." (TtH)


"Sweetest Sufferance rubbed at her round face, her cheeks reminding her, oddly enough, of the dough her mother used to knead just before the harvest festival, those big round cakes all glittering with painted honey that used to trap ants and it was her task to pick them off but that was all right because they tasted wonderful.

'Hungry again, aren't ya?'

'You can always tell', Sweetest Sufferance replied.

'When you rub your cheeks, there's a look comes into your eyes, Sweetie.' "
